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The first entry!

[aim] [notes]

2001-04-17 - 3:48 p.m.
Ta-daaa!! Well, I succumbed to peer pressure and started a diaryland diary. I have no idea what possessed me to do so, I already have a webpage that I don't work on enough. But, people tell me I'm pretty good at diabolical ranting (hence the title), so I think I'll be alright.

This is where I'm gonna write my diabolical ranting that isn't really well-thought out... If you want to see my well-thought-out diabolical ranting, you'll have to go somewhere else. Currently I'm at work, and I'm sitting. I work in the wonderful realm of technical support, and yes it is a blast.

I think I'll write random thoughts here, long rants, and all sorts of other shit. If you read it and like it, by all means go to my page or IM me, because I'm cool and everyone needs to like me.

Yeah, so... Viola!